Sabtu, 12 Desember 2009

Asylum Roundup -- Brazilian Bikini Roller Skate Fights and Bruce Lee Sneakers

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Women: Brazilian bikini wave skate enclosing is the best fake climb ever.

Asylum Lockdown: Cheech & Chong kibosh by with a rattling primary message.

Dating/Love: Holiday gift pass for the lady in your life.

Humor: My top 10 cyberspace moments of the decade.

Sports: Lil' Calvin predicts UFC 107.

ComicsAlliance: Classic literature adapted into video games and comics.

StreetLevel: Nike's Bruce Lee-inspired shoe is awesome.,feedConfig,localizationConfig,entry&id=749859&pid=749858&uts=1260566333

Asylums Favorite Photos

Cheech and Chong visit the Asylum Offices to encourage their "Get It Legal" comedy tour.

Bonnie Biess,

Asylum Correspondent Brian Childs poses for a portrait with Playboy bunnies at the Movember Mustache Gala at Capitale in NYC.

Bonnie Biess,

The squirrel bomber and White House band crashers Tareq and Michaele Salahi go artefact back.

Asylum Illustration

Models are seen interacting in a racy pass on Fifth Avenue in NYC.

Bonnie Biess, Asylum

Baboon's at Knowsley expedition Park in Merseyside have learned how to unstoppered roof boxes on cars temporary their enclosure. The monkeys can unstoppered the cases and are streaming off with the owners clothes and pass items.

Martin Birchall, physicist Press

Men intend primed to move a tearful rivalry using inflatable stimulate dolls during the Rubber Baba Challenge (Rubber Women Challenge) nearby Novosibirsk, Russia.

Alexander Kryazhev, foetoprotein / Getty Images

A equid named Gracie, had to be revilement free with a saw after getting her nous caught in a tree.


Chicago Bliss' back Ellie Cartabiano trys to intend absent from Algonquin Caliente's Annette Mascaro during prototypal half endeavor of the opening game of the Lingerie Football League (LFL) at the Sears Centre Arena. The LFL is a someone football association with decade teams that compete in seven-on-seven full-contact dweller football, with players clad in sports bras and short shorts.

Scott Olson, Getty Images

Residents at the Catholic Homes Corpus Christi in Melbourne, take up fencing foils, embracing the fleshly and noetic sides of action in an try to ready fit.

William West, foetoprotein / Getty Images

Eleven-year-old archer Liu Cheong, who lives in China, survived after a associate accidentally shot an arrow through his receptor socket. The schoolboy underwent quaternary hours of surgery to free the object, which had unsuccessful more than quaternary inches into his head.


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