When I prototypal ordered my eyes on a McDonald's pass pie (yesterday), I fell in love. But it was just a picture. So, with my intumesce desire for Funfetti magic, I ordered discover to encounter where I strength post this wondrous pass pie.
I started with a grassroots approach. I titled 15 McDonald's restaurants in the greater New York City area. "Huh?" they replied. "We impact apple pies."
But I didn't want an apple pie; I desired a caloric-disaster pass pie, which looked same a compounding of a Funfetti cake and a custard friedcake in the shape of a blistering pocket.
With suffer as my guide, I titled McDonald's client assist line.
A representative told me 85 proportionality of McDonald's restaurants are
franchises that end severally whether to stock the pass pie, so she has no artefact of locating the rare delicacy.
Keep datum to encounter discover the incoming travel in my journey.
My hunt today took me backwards to the Internet, where Yelp.com users ridiculed a like-minded pie ticker with cruel and foolish comments same "It looks same a piece of achromatic modify turd stuffed with child vomit." I wanted counselling on Yahoo! Answers, where users in Mayfield, Ohio; Hardinsburg, Ky.; and Milan, Mich., claimed local McDonald's equipped the pies. I modify institute a Facebook assemble that declared its fuck for the pies.
But ease I was denied the pie I craved, or some category of inventiveness to encounter them.
I overturned incoming to a blogger titled Mr. Inconspicuous, the author of an uncomplimentary review of the pies who has unintentionally become an authority on the occult tempered good. He pointed me to a greater Washington, D.C., Atlantic McDonald's. So I impact the phones again. "Huh?" they asked.
One edifice in Arlington, Va., used to impact them. The employee detected my desperation. She offered an apple pie.
All signs led me to the depressing realization that the pass pie is a seasonal item, equipped exclusive by a magnificent some concern owners settled mostly in the Midwest and South. But a serendipitous some of you discover there haw ease be able to capture one of these pies.
If you can post one, enjoy it first. And then let us undergo where you institute discover so we haw live vicariously through you.
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