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Wright definite to take a New period prowl around the community at 1:45 a.m. After sound a neighbor's button and acknowledgement the homeowners with beer in hand, he went on to break into added neighbor's house and move their Christmastime presents. (We surmisal the first man meet mutual a intoxicant with the little 'fella?)
When personnel institute the boy he was act a brown coiffe -- digit of the gifts he had taken. Keep datum to check the video, which actually uses the line "Drunk 4-Year-Old Steals Christmas."
According to April Wright, Hayden's mother, she has conserving devices on the doors to preclude him from leaving but he broke digit off. The beer was condemned from her father's cooler, but she's not trusty how he got it open. designer was condemned to a hospital and treated for beverage consumption. Child conserving services hit investigated and told her she will be allowed to retain safekeeping of her son.
Wright explains that her son "wants to intend in pain so he crapper go to jail because that's where his daddy is." And with that, this news officially replaces the missing Christmastime lawnmower as the saddest pass tale of all time.
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