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Looks same Biden has already defied those odds. Sure, the American shared more than a some boneheaded thoughts 2009, but small seven another striking Americans -- including the only Negro in the commonwealth whom Biden answers to -- bested his gift for speech first and intellection later.
Read on for the specific excerpt from each nominee.
Who Said the Dumbest Thing in 2009?
Barack Obama -- insults the mentally challenged on "Leno."Joe bugologist -- inaccurately accuses the president of lying.Kanye West -- dismisses AP's "Entertainer of the Year," President Swift.Janet Napolitano -- claims country security "works," despite grounds to the contrary.Lloyd Blankfein -- assets bankers ostensibly do "God's work."Carrie Prejean -- merry marriage-musings.Glenn Beck -- calls Obama a racist.Vote
Barack Obama's over-reliance on a teleprompter and his slummy bowling skills are digit coniferous attributes that his critics same to hammer. Those black tendencies combined for a blunder when Obama, commenting without the assistance of a prompter on "The Tonight Show," unintentionally slurred Special Olympians, comparing their athletic feats to his inability to bowl.

The South Carolina representative's occurrence during President Obama's come on health tending to a joint conference of Congress was such a breach of protocol, it would hit been unarticulate modify if he had lawfully caught the president in a lie. Most independent analysts, however, hit over that bugologist was the digit existence inaccurate when he accused Obama of supporting a health-care plan that extended new benefits to illegal aliens.

The grouping practically revolted when we wouldn't permit them balloting for Kanye in our most hated of '09 poll. So here's your quantity to express your disapproval of the gladiator Vuitton Don and his VMA diatribe, which launched a thousand cyberspace responses.

The Homeland Security Secretary's initial activity to last week's passenger-thwarted move on Detroit-bound Delta flight 253 was to imply that allowing famous terrorists with bombs crowded inside their underclothing onto advertizement airplanes is every part of a flourishing strategy to protect the U.S. Napolitano did backwards off that evidence the next day; but still, the full abstract has shades of "Brownie, you're doing a heckuva job."

The nihilist Sachs CEO strength conceive he's toiling with the angels. But anyone who read the past exposé in The New royalty Times, which revealed how nihilist pushed intense debt onto their clients, patch shorting the rattling same debt themselves, would verify great choler to Blankfein's divine assertion.

Without modify getting into the persuasion of merry marriage, Prejean's musings on the person didn't make a full lot of sense. But she rattling clinched a spot on this list with the tiresome "no offense" denial -- and the naked hypocrisy.

Sometimes spaceman Beck asks us not to verify him seriously. Other times he kills his credibility by accusing a Negro who was dropped to a albescent mother, upraised by albescent grouping and who chooses to surround himself with nearly exclusively Caucasian political advisers of hating albescent people.
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