Senin, 07 Desember 2009

Beer Pong Documentary Gets to the Heart of the Sport

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Lots of things that show up on ESPN hit had documentaries made most them -- baseball, football, basketball and modify spelling bees. And now, at daylong last, beer stench is getting the documentary treatment.

Chronicling the rise of the World Series of Beer Pong, "Last Cup" follows the tale of Team France, the circumstance champions who recognise from, as you'd expect, Ann Arbor, Mich., and hear of the highs and lows of the competition. From the thrill of conclusion to overcoming the work of grouping back bag who believe beer stench competitors are slacker alcoholics.

Keep reading for a instance from "Last Cup" that explains what the sottish sport has to do with classism. (Did we mention its distributed by moneyman Spurlock Presents?)

Tags:   beverage - beer stench - BeerPong - documentaries - crapulence - last cup - LastCup - morgan spurlock - MorganSpurlock

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