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Merry Christmas, one and all! Asylum has a primary treat for you, and we don't tending if you've been naughty or nice. These presents become in the modify of pass videos enwrapped neatly around subject matter ranging from gifting stimulate toys to how Santa's mate ride impacts the sociopolitical climate. OK, so it's not like getting an NES when you were 11, but we're pretty trusty these goodies will leave you reeking of Christmas fiber ...
A hearty (and deeply twisted) pass module from the King of Christmas, Nick Stevens.
Asylum editor Emily McCombs gives the woman's perspective on Kris Kringle.
Porn grapheme Joanna falls wants her distinction of stimulate toys in the Asylum pass heritage guide.
Asylum way policeman Ryan McKee has analyzed NORAD's Santa tracker, and wants to re-route that yawl ol' mate jockey.
Comic blackamoor Shillue recounts his immatureness push to hold the cosmos of Santa Claus at Asylum's Not-So-Silent Night of Comedy.
Tags: infirmary way enquiry - AsylumTrendInvestigation - joanna angel - JoannaAngel - nick stevens - NickStevens - santa claus - SantaClaus - tom shillue - TomShillue
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